Sunday, January 3, 2010


I haven’t seen you for a while. Would you like to give me a rating today?

I am looking forward to the community building of mass hearing loss.

It would be more natural if you didn’t prepare something, everything is always so well presented I feel you don’t want to need me.

It is in my diary to need you from 9-10am every Thursday.

Right. So you want to build a community and lose your hearing?

No, I think you know that. I don’t mind losing something if I’m not alone in that. The way technology is going to affect us is interesting to me.

You know the term for people who are attracted to objects?


Yes. It can be beautifully severe if you like that way of looking at it, there’s a book I could tell you about, do you want to right that down? Why technology today Gary?

It’s alluring when something beautiful makes you sick. It’s like seduction, so seeping and pretending to improve our lives, I love that, really false advertising. It’s clever, I like clever. It helps that it’s beautifully designed, they’re like when you hear why there are markings on exotic birds, they’re only there to reel in a mate and then fly trap, bamb! we bring them into our homes, we pay for it. When did you order a virus from a catalogue, hoping we can afford an even bigger one that will cause even more frequency damage and gamma infiltrates, it’s like I can see metal crawling. That it even drains food of nutrients we spent money amping up through machine harvesters. Virusing and re-virusing, it makes drug companies look honest. It’s mad, I’ve said all this to you and I still want it, the more in built the more it’s a turn on, I don’t wanna see where my life ends and technology begins. Everyone’ll disassociate. It’s a lump in my throat, I don’t know exactly how it’ll turn out or if I’ll be good with it, I hope I know what to say when we meet, god I feel like a teenager.

Did you read something last night Gary?

Yeah, just this one article. Did you know that years ago when it was revealed what Tony Blair wanted to spend money on, before Gordon Brown lost it all, the second biggest budget priority was to support bionanotechnology.

Does this make you happy that there are people who are interested Gary?

Uh huh, I have more faith.

What will it allow you to do?

Well slowly I can steal myself against anxiety or fear, you’d call it climate of fear something overarching, it affects everyone. if you look at global forecasts the biggest health come financial burden won’t be new forms of cancer but partial disablement caused by bust ups from faster cars on faster road surfaces and the veritable extension of the poverty gap realized in car weight discrepancy and non-separated roadways for transporting fuel. If we change our self image value system before this happens by 2030 then the horrific efficacy of increased technological support making living beyond accidents possible and increase in accidents per capita, you have yourself a society accepting their unnatural and selective non-Darwinian evolution of bio-nano life in parts. This is not offensive if you remember that synthetic circuitry despite its dystopic connotations was modeled on us. We will have come a full revolution where the model for the dream, dream becoming the prop for the model, delivers us to ourselves again. It’s a turbo charged game of return to sender where we couldn’t pay $200 to pass go because we ran the lights.